I came across a poem by Khalil Gibran, “Stand together but not too near like the pillars of the temple stand apart because no two huge trees can grow on each other’s shadow”.
“Rightly said” I muttered to myself. Be it any relationship with people or things, space is important. The more balance we find, the more fortification takes place in the bond. Just imagine the walls of your windpipe clinging to one another. We will feel suffocated! Even the invisible, involuntary life-driving force requires space to keep us alive. Give that space so that we don’t inhibit the growth of each other.
Another perspective! I came across a phrase stating ” What did I contribute to this relationship?” This line reveals the elegant way to handle the same. Helping my mom with cooking followed by a massage session after a fight exemplifies my way of contributing to our bond. What is your contribution to your relationships?! By the way, this was the theme for my yoga class.